The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society’s objectives are scientific, literary and educational in character. The Society strives for the advancement of the theory and practice of robotics and automation engineering and science and of the allied arts and sciences, and for the maintenance of high professional standards among its members, all in consonance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the IEEE and with special attention to such aims within the Field of Interest of the Society.
Our Mission is to foster the development and facilitate the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge in Robotics and Automation that benefits members, the profession and humanity. Our Vision is to be the most recognized and respected global organization in Robotics and Automation.
It is the mission statement of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society to foster the development and facilitate the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge that benefits members, the profession and humanity in the vast and ever burgeoning field of Robotics and Automation. Keeping in line with this vision, RAS CET Chapter strives to encourage and enhance robotics knowledge through workshops, talks, discussions and competitions, and to engage all its members in various challenging and exciting robotics projects
Informative Meetings, Seminars and Conferences Exchange information with the foremost industrial experts through personal participation in a local chapter meetings, seminars and regional, national and international conferences which can be accessed at Events and Conferences page.
Networking and collaboration opportunities with WIE professionals through Technical Committees, Special Interests Groups, Chapters, and more.
Valuable Professional Publications EEE publishes journals, conferences, and standards in electrical, electronics, and all related technologies. Also a membership benefit, through IEEE Xplore digital library, members can easily search over nearly two million IEEE documents, including otherwise difficult-to-find conference papers.