Power And Energy Society

What is Power And Energy Society

The Power & Energy Society (PES) provides the world’s largest forum for sharing the latest intechnological developments in the electric power industry, for developing standards that guide thedevelopment and construction of equipment and systems, and for educating members of the industryand the general public.

Our Mission

To be the leading provider of scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society, and the preferred professional development source for our members ~ Approved by the IEEE PES Governing Board, 17 July 2003

About Power And Energy Society

IEEE PES SBC CET was founded in 2017.Within 3 years of its inception, the chapter has imprinted its name among one of the most active chapters of the section. We have a team of very dedicated volunteers. It is the result of their hardwork that since its establishment in 2017, the chapter has organised a plethora of events covering a wide spectrum of IEEE activities. These activities include technical and non-technical activities, administrative and humanitarian affairs, educational activities, social events and so on

Benefits of Joining Power And Energy Society

Informative Meetings, Seminars and Conferences Exchange information with the foremost industrial experts through personal participation in a local chapter meetings, seminars and regional, national and international conferences which can be accessed at Events and Conferences page.

PES members gain access to the IEEE PES Resource Center, a library with hundreds of technical reports, tutorials, conference videos, webinars, presentations and more.

PES also offers networking opportunities, access to peer-reviewed technical journals and educational materials that help members stay-up-to date on the latest advances including renewable energy system design and integration, smart-grid technologies, electric vehicles, wholesale market design and operation and asset management.

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