Date: 11 June 2021
IEEE PELS Day 2021 Celebrations of IEEE SB CET was started with an outstanding demonstration session on the topic “Simulation of Power Converters: Using MATLAB/Simulink” by Dr. Dinesh Gopinath, the Chapter Advisor of IEEE PELS SBC CET.
The session started with the speaker giving an insight into several MATLAB components and the method of modelling and analyzing various circuits using the existing options available in the MATLAB package offered by Mathworks. It was pointed out that many colleges were still yet to provide a MATLAB package license to their students. The initial session was about laying the foundation block for many hands-on training workshop sessions in MATLAB to be conducted by the Student Chapter. Feedback on such future exercises were taken and almost all responded in the affirmative. Even though the MATLAB Simulink package offers various preset circuits for designing, it was felt the need to start designing a circuit from the basics as students from various semesters were attending the session. It became even more productive since many students started using the session to explore more into MATLAB which even has an online version to start working instantaneously. The students raised many doubts on the course of the session which were instantly answered by the speaker.
Considering the positive feedback offered by students, IEEE IAS/PELS SBC CET will be hosting more events on the Simulation of various power electronic circuits making use of MATLAB and other online resources in the near future. A virtual memento was presented to the speaker as a token of gratitude from IEEE SB CET, IEEE IA/IE/PELS Jt. Chapter Kerala. Certificates of Participation were provided to all the active attendees.
Date: 11 Jun 2021 Time: 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM