Date: May 25, 2020
Venue: Online
Attendees: 80
The Power and Energy Society of IEEE SB CET conducted a webinar session on the topic “ Leading trends in the field of Power and Energy “ on the 25 th of May from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm IST.
The session was handled by Dr. Jessica Bian , IEEE PES president elect ( 2020 - 2021 ) , currently with Grid – X partners, and PES secretary ( 2016 – 2019 ). A total of 80 students from different institutions participated in the program. The session was very informative and enriched our knowledge on the opportunities in the field. She also gave us an insight into the various opportunities and resources provided by IEEE PES. There was a Q&A session after the presentation in which a wide array of questions were asked and the speaker gave wonderful replies to them. The participants were given a feedback form via mail.