AI Workshop

IEEE Computer Society CET and IEEE SB CET AI Interest Group in collaboration with DSC CET held a 10 days workshop on the basics of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Friendly AI.

The workshop was conducted in four parts. Part 1 gave an intuitive understanding of the fundamental idea that started machine learning and deep learning. Part 2 concentrated on the programming component of AI. Part 3 introduced the type of mathematical thinking involved in AI - a few specific algorithms and how they work. Part 4 dealt with the state of Friendly AI research. Quizzes were conducted after Part 1 and Part 3. Participants were encouraged to write algorithms and use the Kaggle platform. The workshop was taken by Arun Jose from S5 CSE. A WhatsApp group was created to mentor the participants and a detailed step-by-step tutorial for each part was added in the GitHub repository(AI-For-Dummies).


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